Craft A Custom Sapphire Engagement Ring And Make Her Feel Special

A personally selected beautiful ring design crafted with chosen hand-picked sapphires creates a unique sapphire engagement ring. For this special occasion in your life we suggest you choose a good jeweler and custom-make the ring according to her choice of sapphires, design and comfort-level.

Sapphire Engagement Ring

The process of custom-making the ring is much simple than what is usually believed. The first step is to select a beautiful design for the ring which may be in the form of an image, sketch or a photograph. Provide the same to the jeweler with the changes that you may want such as the size of the sapphires or shape of the sapphires or change in metal or few changes in the ring design itself. Based on these, the jeweler would provide an estimate of the cost of the sapphire engagement ring. Once approved by you, a wax ring will be made with the same design which will be needed to be trial-fitted on her finger to check if the size and the comfort-level are as desired. If the wax ring meets all your expectations, the jeweler will proceed to make the actual ring. And, in a couple of weeks, the unique ring crafted with your choice of design will be delivered to you.

Make her feel special by choosing to custom-create a personally designed beautiful sapphire engagement ring for the memorable occasion in your life.

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